In July 2023, the Richard A. Henson Foundation pledged a groundbreaking matching challenge for the Hagerstown Aviation Museum, with the potential to secure up to $1.5 million in matching funds from the Henson Foundation over the next several years.

The first $1 million of the challenge focuses on the capital campaign and accompanying renovations from 2023 through 2025. Additionally, $500,000 in matching funds are available to support a brand-new endowment, which will be used to augment the museum’s operating expenses as necessary and ensure its long-term success.


Hagerstown Aviation Museum began leasing the historic 1943 Fairchild Flight Test Hangar in October 2020 and, thanks to a $5 million grant from the State of Maryland and Governor Larry Hogan, purchased it outright in March 2023.

The museum has embarked on a $6 million capital campaign (in addition to the State’s $5 million grant, which was used to purchase the facility) to support a three-phase renovation effort:

Phase One (October 2020 - December 2023): These efforts focused primarily on health and safety items, ADA compliance, fire suppression, lead remediation, and other key initiatives. The gift shop, welcome area, and Delaplaine Foundation Theatre were also relocated and renovated. This phase was completed with the museum’s soft launch on December 7, 2023 - marking the first time it was open for visitors outside of special events.

Phase Two (January 2024 - December 2025): This phase focuses on the creation and expansion of exhibits, relocation of the archives and library, and creation of classrooms. It also includes the creation of the Paul K. Shockey Aircraft Factory Experience, located in the 7,400-square-foot “annex building” adjoining the dome hangar. With its original sawtooth roof and windows, thisexhibit will mirror a “day-in-the-life” of a Fairchild Factory employee and will offer a myriad of hands-on, STEM-specific activities featuring some of the museum’s more than 15,000 artifacts.

Phase Three (January 2026 - December 2027): This phase will focus on renovation of the second floor of the dome hangar, including the creation of an observation deck overlooking the Jone L. Bowman Foundation Interior Hangar, additional meeting space, and further expansion of exhibits and educational opportunities.

As of December 2024, more than $4.3 million has been pledged or received.


Making a tax-deductible donation to the Hagerstown Aviation Museum to support its campaign efforts is just a click away! Simply click the “Donate” button below for a one time donation. To make a multi-year pledge, download, fill out, and return the pledge form to Karen Hemenway at

2024 Henson Challenge Capital Match:

$1 million in matching funds are available to support renovations, creation of exhibits, and other capital expenses. This challenge runs from 2023 through 2025.

2024 Henson Challenge Endowment Match:

$500,000 in matching funds are available to support a new endowment, which will be used to augment the museum's operating expenses as necessary and ensure its long-term success. This challenge runs from 2024 through 2026.